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Open Your Drainage Pathways + Restore the Flow

Without relying on supplements and before you start any detox/cleanse.

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In this Masterclass: The DIY Drainage Pathway Starter Kit, you will learn:


The simplified approach to self assessing your own drainage pathways

You will learn your body's drainage pathways, plus signs + symptoms your pathways may be stagnant.

Learn to use a simple self assessment form to identify which pathway(s) need support, so you can take action. 

This is the key to avoiding herx reactions during any detox or cleanse. Detox doesn't have to be hard!  


How to respond to stagnant drainage with an action plan you create yourself!

You will learn exactly what ACTIONS work, to open up each pathway. 

You will receive a menu of options including actions and supplements.

The focus of this class will be = actions > supplements.

Receive a google document to fill out + create your action plan.


Evolve further into your own sovereignty

This masterclass is NOT about me telling you what to do.

It's about bringing into your awareness information, about your own body, so you can start making your own decisions. 

Once you open your drainage pathways, you can easily keep them open. You won't have to keep repeating this process. 

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You + This Masterclass = everything you need to open your drainage pathways!

Maybe you're not quite sure if your drainage pathways are open OR you don't even really know what that means. 

Or maybe you feel overwhelmed thinking about your drainage pathways.

Either way, this masterclass will simplify everything for you and give the tools you need to open your own drainage pathways, no outsourcing required. You will be able to take action immediately!

After this masterclass, you will: 

  • Master the art of your drainage own pathways - a skill for life
  • Be able to immediately self assess your drainage pathways using a made for you self assessment form (in less than 5 minutes). 
  • Be able to create an immediate action plan to open the weak drainage pathways in your body (that you can even start right away).
  • Feel more confident in your ability to understand the signs your body is sending you and how to respond, without relying on someone to tell you what to do. 
  • Confidently step further into your own sovereignty, relying on yourself first, trusting your decisions, and knowing your body in a deeper way.

A Note From Jessica...


The first time I heard about drainage pathways was from an Ayurvedic practitioner I was working with at the start of my health awakening (healing from Ankylosing Spondylitis).

She called the pathways, channels of the body and told me I could not do the cleanse she had in mind, until these channels were wide open to receive the toxins I would be dumping. 

My pathways were NOT open at that time but since then they have remained open and that gives me freedom - freedom to detox any time I choose, naturally and curated, without worrying about herx reactions. 

This class will give you that same freedom! 

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